Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Today was the Final Day

He was formally sentenced today I got a chance to speak directly to him, I spoke from my heart even the court reporter had tears in her eyes. Today was bitter sweet I'm happy my Mom got justice but I'm sad all the way around. I mean this was just senseless. It didn't have to end up this way I felt sad because my Mom is never coming back I felt bad that now the rest of his life will spent in prison for something so avoidable. It's like two lives was lost the last thing I said to him was "May God have mercy on your soul" and I mean it. I actually liked Corney who was a cool dude when he was sober but he chose to take a life that night and now he has to pay for that decision.

This whole thing is sad however now my family and I can have some closer.

The last thing he said to me was "I'm sorry, I'm sorry you know I loved your Mom I didn't mean for this to happen" then he put his head down.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Verdict is In!

Cornelius Brockenborough- Guilty 1st degree murder, Life with no parole for killing my Mother justice has been served!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Well Tomorrow is the Big Day

Cornelius Brockenbrough will be standing trial for the murder of my Mother, please keep my family and I in prayer. I can only pray the justice will be served.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Domestic Violence Walk 2010

Me, my sister and our cousin

My Sister Tamara

Each balloon was for each life taken a year from Abuse

yes even my little one came

She was sad she had to let the ballon go

Gearing up to walk

That's Me!