Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Today was the Final Day

He was formally sentenced today I got a chance to speak directly to him, I spoke from my heart even the court reporter had tears in her eyes. Today was bitter sweet I'm happy my Mom got justice but I'm sad all the way around. I mean this was just senseless. It didn't have to end up this way I felt sad because my Mom is never coming back I felt bad that now the rest of his life will spent in prison for something so avoidable. It's like two lives was lost the last thing I said to him was "May God have mercy on your soul" and I mean it. I actually liked Corney who was a cool dude when he was sober but he chose to take a life that night and now he has to pay for that decision.

This whole thing is sad however now my family and I can have some closer.

The last thing he said to me was "I'm sorry, I'm sorry you know I loved your Mom I didn't mean for this to happen" then he put his head down.