Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Although Team Victoria has been doing the DV 5k for years this was our first time participating for this event. 

We had so much fun, raising awareness and money for Philly 400.

Thank you Speranza Human Compassion Project and Philadelphia City Councilman Kenyatta Johnson for putting together the NEW annual 5k run/walk Domestic Violence.   

Honoring the 400 domestic violence victims who call 911 every day here in Philadelphia.
The money raised is going towards the Speranza Project, which helps to fund continuing education training for first responder's who deal with domestic violence victims. 
You can read more about their work on Speranza's

Team Victoria was glad to take part in it and we look forward to next year!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Ipledge 2015 
Women Against Abuse 

Team Victoria was there to take the pledge!!!! 

Click the link for the Complete Ipledge Toolkit 


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Join Team Victoria for this 1st Annual 5K October 17th 2015

Thursday, September 3, 2015

iPledge 2015 October 8th LOVE PARK

Join us for the launch of the 8th Annual iPledge Campaign, a citywide social awareness movement that calls on people like YOU to get involved in speaking out against domestic violence.
The campaign will launch with a press conference in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Guests will have a first look at our new iPledge Toolkit, which is filled with free downloadable resources for getting involved in the effort to end domestic violence.

We're thrilled to announce that NBC10 Meteorologist Bill Henley is returning to be our Master of Ceremonies, and we are excited to honor Dr. Arthur Evans, Commissioner of the Dept. of Behavioral Health and disability Services, for his leadership in creating a coordinated community response to domestic violence. Mayor Michael Nutter has also been invited as our keynote speaker.
Bring your old cell phones! iPledge Sponsor Verizon Wireless will be collecting used cell phones at the press conference through its HopeLine Program, which refurbishes phones for survivors of domestic violence.


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Philadelphia New 5k Run/Walk to help break the cycle of Domestic Abuse! GET READY TEAM VICTORIA!

There is a New 5k walk/run taking place in Philadelphia


Saturday,  October 17,2015 - 8am | FDR Park
Presentations, DJ & Warm-Up Dance - Run/Walk

Councilman Kenyatta Johnson and Speranza Human Compassion Project

$25 Regular Registration 
$20 per person - groups of 10 or more 
 + FREE t-shirt


Unfortunately last year, do to no fault of the participates own
 the annual 5k Run was cancelled. 
Team Victoria has been going strong and getting bigger every year. 
We come together as advocates against domestic abuse. Not only for our Loved One Victoria 
but for all who suffer at the hands of domestic abuse.   
Team Victoria is BACK! 

click here to sign up for Team Victoria 




Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Walk A Mile In Her Shoes Sponsored by Laurel House Working to End Domestic Violence.

Walk A Mile In Her Shoes

The International Men's March to Stop Rape, Sexual Assault, & Gender Violence.
We invite you to join us for our 3rd Walk a Mile in Her Shoes®.
Save the Date:Saturday May 2nd
Heebner Park, 1721 Valley Forge Road, Worcester PA 19426

Click here to learn more or register today!


April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month!

sexual assault awareness month


With NO MORE Week in the rearview mirror (and what a wonderful week it was!), the team at NO MORE is already looking forward to April. Warmer weather is nice, but Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) is the main event. Let’s get everyone excited about a concentrated month of activism around such a critical issue.
Military bases, community centers, churches, student groups, and other organizations across the country will host events like Take Back the NightWalk a Mile in Her Shoes, and Denim Day to raise awareness about the devastating impact of sexual assault on almost every community in this country.
SAAM has been observed to varying degrees for decades, but it was not officially designated as a national awareness month until 2001. Now in its fourteenth year, SAAM activism has been instrumental in bringing this once-hidden issue to the forefront of public discussion. We are now all too familiar with the statistics: 1 in 5 women is a survivor of rape, and 1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men have experienced some form of sexual violence in their lives (CDC). In recent months, stories of sexual assault on college campuses like UVA and Columbia University, in the military, and by celebrities and professional sports players have dominated headlines. So now that awarenessabout sexual assault has reached an all-time high, what’s next for SAAM?
“When the community first started organizing, the real square one need was to communicate to people that sexual assault happens, and it happens in their communities,” says Laura Palumbo, Prevention Campaign Specialist at the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. “Over time that focus has shifted from awareness to prevention. Now we’re telling people how they can be part of the solution.”
Laura is straightforward: now that we know about the problem, let’s come together to fix it. But activating an ever-expanding base of people to be part of the solution will require huge collective effort. Despite our awareness initiatives, sexual assault still isn’t easy to talk about. For survivors, the subject can be laden with feelings of shame, guilt, and fear, and for others, it can be hard to talk about an issue that is at once so personal and so pervasive.
This April, we need to come together to convince people to be part of the solution. So how do we do that? Check out the NSVRC SAAM website for downloadable tools, suggestions and information in activating your communities and networks.
Need some ideas to get started?
April 7th is the SAAM Day of Actionand a great day to kick off talking about these issues on social media. If you’re a parent, teacher or mentor, get involved with changing the culture around rape by talking to youth in your life, both boys and girls, about sexual assault and healthy relationships; not simply coaching our daughters to avoid potentially dangerous situations. If you’re attending college, it means holding universities accountable for their obligations to ensure that all students can complete their educations without fearing for their health and safety. Culture change also means supporting members of the military who speak out about sexual assault and harassment. It means creating a culture wherein all survivors feel that their voices are validated, and not scrutinized or silenced.
SAAM presents all of us with a wonderful opportunity to engage new voices, to invite people—people who may never have been a part of this movement—to join us in stopping sexual assault, rape and abuse. After all, sexual assault is not just a women’s issue and it’s not simply a survivor’s issue. It’s everyone’s issue and the solution lies in all of us.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Rest in Peace Tara Pattani, never thought it would hit so close to home twice

Sorrowfully Our beloved friend and family member was given her purple wings Tuesday December 30th 2014

I never thought in a million years, that when I started this blog in 2009 that I would be adding another person so connected to me & us.

Getting that phone call for a second time still puts you into shock, another Mother, Sister, Daughter and friend did not survive. Your mind goes through so much, just trying to comprehend it all.

You just saw her, laughed with her or just talked to or texted them and just like that physically gone. They no longer answer that phone, they no longer text back. You no longer get to see them walking down the street laughing and talking with others. Their no longer physically there to hold you up when you need it, give you a pep talk that you may need.

Another Family and set of children who will experience a lost so deep. Losing a Parent to violence is an unfathomable pain I can't put it into words. losing that person at the hands of someone you know they loved so hard did it. Like an extra kick into your soul.

Tara, Rest In Peace, we love you and hopefully Our Victoria was their to meet you. As with my Mother I will make it my personal business to keep track of her murderer I will be there in court everyday when the trial starts to show him that Tara was loved and her life mattered.