Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Rest in Peace Tara Pattani, never thought it would hit so close to home twice

Sorrowfully Our beloved friend and family member was given her purple wings Tuesday December 30th 2014

I never thought in a million years, that when I started this blog in 2009 that I would be adding another person so connected to me & us.

Getting that phone call for a second time still puts you into shock, another Mother, Sister, Daughter and friend did not survive. Your mind goes through so much, just trying to comprehend it all.

You just saw her, laughed with her or just talked to or texted them and just like that physically gone. They no longer answer that phone, they no longer text back. You no longer get to see them walking down the street laughing and talking with others. Their no longer physically there to hold you up when you need it, give you a pep talk that you may need.

Another Family and set of children who will experience a lost so deep. Losing a Parent to violence is an unfathomable pain I can't put it into words. losing that person at the hands of someone you know they loved so hard did it. Like an extra kick into your soul.

Tara, Rest In Peace, we love you and hopefully Our Victoria was their to meet you. As with my Mother I will make it my personal business to keep track of her murderer I will be there in court everyday when the trial starts to show him that Tara was loved and her life mattered.  

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